On Oct. 28, 2022, Halloweenie 16: Peace, Love and Discoballs was a smashing success with fantastic costumes, endorphin-inducing thrills, nonstop dance music, and an incredible event to help raise money for Project Angel Food and our critically ill clients.

A huge THANK YOU to Fred and Jason Arens, Project Angel Food Board Member Mark Anawalt, Fred Anawalt, Chuck Alexander, Randy Wright, and major sponsors Kevin Huvane and Anawalt Lumber Co for making Halloweenie 16: Peace, Love and Discoballs the most successful yet! Halloweenie raised $180,000 for Project Angel Food, which will provide 18,000 Medically Tailored Meals for our most vulnerable neighbors. Your support of the community is unwavering and we are so proud to be the beneficiary of your party with a purpose! We’re looking forward to next year!



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