Whole Foods Market Community Giving Program Donates $65,500 to Project Angel Food’s COVID-19 Relief Efforts

Giving back to local communities is one of Whole Foods Market’s core values. On Wednesday, September 30, 2020, they did just that; granting Project Angel Food in Los Angeles with $65,500 to be used in the organization’s frontline COVID-19 relief efforts. The donation provided people who are critically ill and most vulnerable during the pandemic nourishing, medically tailored meals.

In celebration of the generous grant Whole Foods Market gave to Project Angel Food,  Whole Foods Market team members, Jenny Huang and Nicole Lowery of the Southern Pacific region, joined Project Angel Food’s Executive Director Richard Ayoub to place labels on 4,200 meals to be delivered to clients of Project Angel Food.

“Nourishing our communities is a priority at Whole Foods Market, especially in these challenging times. We’re proud to partner with local community-based organizations, like Project Angel Food, to best serve those communities’ needs,” says Patrick Bradley, Southern Pacific Regional President of Whole Foods Market. The company’s community investments are led by local team member networks and are focused on addressing the specific needs of their community.

Ayoub adds, “I loved showing off Project Angel Food to our friends at Whole Foods Market and that they could actually participate in packaging these meals that their generosity makes possible. The work we do saves lives. To get it done, we need companies like Whole Foods Market who are committed to serving their customers and their communities.”

Project Angel Food provides medically tailored meals to people who are living with life-threatening illnesses such as HIV/AIDS, cancer, diabetes, heart disease, etc. Because Project Angel Food clients are most vulnerable to COVID-19, these services have never been as vital as they are today. Since March 2020, Project Angel Food has increased service by service 29%, increasing delivery from 1,500 people a day to 2,100 daily. Nutritionists work with chefs to create 39 varieties of medically tailored meals daily, customized to each client’s specific medical needs.


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