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Project Angel Food’s Congestive Heart Failure (CHF) Pilot is a 12-week intervention designed to improve the health outcomes and reduce medical costs of people living with CHF through Project Angel Food’s Medically Tailored Meals (MTM) and individualized nutritional counseling with Project Angel Food’s registered dietitians. The three-year study — from 2018-2021 — was recently completed and results will be published sometime in 2023.

Project Angel Food joined with other like-minded organizations through the California Food is Medicine Coalition to launched this three-year, statewide pilot in April 2018. The California Department of Health Care Services (DHCS) oversees the program and will evaluate it at the end of the three years.

Through the pilot, our CHF clients receive three meals per day and snacks, delivered to their home at no cost. They also receive four nutritional counseling sessions with a registered dietitian from out Nutrition Services team, and educational materials. Many of our clients report that because of this intervention they feel better, see improved health outcomes, and make fewer costly hospital visits.  

Project Angel Food had 196 participants in the pilot within the fiscal year of 2021.

Primary eligibility requirements are a CHF diagnosis; being a Medi-Cal participant for the at least 12 months and while on the program; being an LA County resident; and having been hospitalized for CHF within the past year.

We are looking for additional healthcare partners and eligible individuals throughout Los Angeles County.