At Project Angel Food, we care not only for the critically ill but also for the children of our clients, ensuring their mornings begin with breakfast and their holidays are filled with joy, love, and a little magic.
Marking California’s commitment to honoring Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s legacy, Governor Gavin Newsom and First Partner Jennifer Siebel Newsom spent MLK Day of Service at Project Angel Food on Monday, January 20
Thelma Houston performs at Project Angel Food's Circle of Angels Garden Party.
不管怎么样,我们都很友善,祝你好运。在悲惨的情绪中,人们对各种各样的恐惧感情有独钟。这门课程,我想要活下去,但痛苦一点都没有,所以自由的生活就是这样。Aenean faucibus nibus nibh and justo cursus de rutrum cursures di rutrum现在,你将面临悲惨的生命风险。
This is the perfect Meatless Monday recipe from our Project Angel Food Recipe archive. So Good Garden Burgers are as good to eat as they’re good for you!
Project Angel Food 是一位充满爱心的邻居,他知道食物就是药物,食物就是爱,食物滋养心灵。我们认为,任何与重大疾病作斗争的人都不应挨饿,这就是为什么我们本着细心和同情心,亲自为社区中饥饿和孤独的人免费提供医疗量身定制的膳食,这些膳食采用健康食材手工制作。