Los voluntarios ayudan a cumplir la misión de Project Angel Food de diversas maneras. Incluso un día, o unas pocas horas, de voluntariado pueden marcar una gran diferencia para nuestros vecinos más vulnerables. Desde 1989, hemos entregado más de 16 millones de comidas a más de 28,000 personas gravemente enfermas. Nuestros voluntarios no solo ayudan a preparar las comidas y a entregarlas, sino también a doblar y rellenar cartas, hacer pulseras y llamar a los clientes para ver cómo les va.
Los voluntarios pueden inscribirse por su cuenta, con un grupo de amigos, familiares o compañeros de trabajo. Pueden pasar un día, o muchos años, al servicio de nuestra comunidad. Tenemos algunos voluntarios que comenzaron en la escuela secundaria o la universidad y ahora llevan con nosotros 10, 15 e incluso 20 años, y ahora traen a sus hijos con ellos.
Convertirse en voluntario es igual de fácil:
1. Correo electrónico volunteers@angelfood.org.
2. Programe una hora para ser voluntario.
Si quieres fomentar la formación de equipos y, al mismo tiempo, contribuir, Project Angel Food es ideal para los días de servicio de estudiantes, comunitarios y corporativos. Los grupos de hasta 15 personas pueden trabajar como voluntarios en la cocina de lunes a viernes, de 8:15 a. m. a 12 p. m., durante el turno de mañana, y de 1 a 4 p. m., durante el turno de tarde.
Los grupos de más de 15 personas y los grupos interesados en ser voluntarios los sábados (o en cualquier momento fuera de nuestro horario habitual) pueden asociarse con Project Angel Food patrocinará un Experiencia de voluntariado personalizada.
Grupos de todos los tamaños deben enviar un correo electrónico volunteers@angelfood.org y un miembro del personal de Servicios Voluntarios se pondrá en contacto con usted.
Más de 100 organizaciones se ofrecieron como voluntarias en Project Angel Food en 2022. Aquí está el lista.
Providing some relief to our staff meal delivery drivers, volunteers deliver meals to 8-10 clients from 9a.m.-2 p.m. every Sunday-Friday. The routes are within greater Los Angeles City area and take approximately 2 hours to complete. Volunteers drive their own vehicles, pick up at Project Angel Food, deliver the meals, and email in the results.
Pick-ups and deliveries follow all COVID-19 mitigation guidelines, including masks, gloves, and distancing.
Project Angel Food’s kitchen is 80% volunteer-driven. Kitchen volunteers don’t need to be great cooks, simply take direction from our professionally trained chefs. You’ll join compassionate people in chopping vegetables, stirring sauces, mixing batter, baking cookies, and packaging the meals.
We have shifts Sunday through Friday from 8:15 a.m.–Noon and 1–4 p.m.
For the safety of all volunteers, staff and clients, all volunteers must have received a COVID-19 vaccination and be 14 years of age or older. Volunteers aged 14 or 15 years must be accompanied by a parent or guardian at all times. Volunteers aged 16 or 17 years must have a parent or guardian sign a liability waiver form.
Volunteers who have a varying schedule, don’t particularly have an affinity for cooking and love to show off their organizational or creative skills, may help on an as-needed basis in our offices. There are various projects, including mailings, donor and client outreach, assembling gift bags for events, decorating client birthday bags or meal delivery bags, making Feed Bead bracelets, packaging Project Angel Food’s Do Gooding Good Cookies, and countless other tasks requiring nimble and creative hands.
Volunteers are vital to the success of our fundraising events and present unique opportunities to engage with our supporters. From annual events like Bowling for Angels, Angel Awards, Lead with Love Telethon, to bespoke chef’s dinners and private parties, volunteers help us secure much-needed resources for our mission in fun, social settings.
For the safety of all volunteers, staff and guests, all volunteers must have received a COVID-19 vaccination and meet the age requirement based on specific event requirements.
The isolation of the COVID-19 pandemic has emphasized the loneliness of many of our clients, as well as some of our volunteers. The Telephone Angels program adds human contact to the lives of both our clients and volunteers through regularly scheduled phone calls to check in, share updates and add brightness to the day. The commitment of the volunteer helps to build a friendly bond and give the client and volunteer something to look forward to each week.